Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yoga, The Demand Of Time

Health With Yoga:
Let's not forget human's always wants to achieve the best. What we want in life ,perfection in everything . When we think of perfection it certainly matters that we should give our best. A man could give his best if he gives his 100% which is only possible when he is having sound mind and health.
Yoga's influence in this respect is unmatchable. What is Yoga? Yoga is a pattern of living in his fullest. Yoga lead to complete harmony between your mind and body. Through various activities Yoga leads to mental vigour and body strength. Yoga comprises of eight folds or elements.

Yoga comprises of eight elements.They are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara,Dhyana, Dhrana & Samadhi.These are the eight fold as per the greatest authority in the yoga none than the ancient sage of India by name "Patanjali".
India is the birth place of the Yoga concepts .One may gather the full information about Yoga if he or she goes through the contents of ancient works of Indian Origin.